resources for writers

Resources for a writer

As writers, words are our medium. We line them up in sentences, debate word choice, use them to paint a sunset on the page. We are artists – the pen our oil pastels, the keyboard our watercolors. There’s nothing else we use for our craft – just our imagination, inspiration, and words – the most important resources for a writer.

Words are also the resources for a writer. Our medium is words and our resource is words. And so as writers we must also be readers. Books of all different genres can inspire our work – encouragement can come from fiction or non-fiction; education can come from biography or novel; inspiration can come from a beach read or memoir.

As writers it is words that hone our craft. We need to read about the craft of writing – the art of writing – the business of writing – in order to grow as a writer. Consider it continuing education and make time to read a book on the process of writing. Learn what it looks like for other people to write, understand the way they craft and take a few tips from their way of creating and add them to your own process.

Free download

Kathi and Michele mentioned some of their favorite books on writing in the podcast this week. We have compiled their list of their favorite writing resources so that you can have this as a ready resource. Writers read and Kathi and Michele make it a practice to be well read. Feel free to download this list and then let the education begin! This list will inspire and educate – and most importantly – motivate you to write! Click here to download.

Happy reading and happy writing!

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