“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together” (African Proverb).

OK friends. We’ve got this. The 5×5 challenge.

If you’ve read my blog post about how I write 500 words a day, you, like a bunch of you who have messaged me, might have been inspired to try it.

Maybe you’ve been successful.

Or maybe it’s been a tough habit to build. We’re not born with the ability to just toss out two full pages of words. It takes practice. (Trust me, I know this.)

And sometimes, we need a little more support. I’ve learned over the years that sometimes it takes a village to support this life of speaking and writing.

That is really what Communicator Academy is all about – supporting the speakers and encouraging the writers.  So, over on the Communicator Academy Facebook page, we are setting forth the 500 words a day challenge for 5 days.

You won’t tackle this in complete solitude. Fellow writers and speakers will be writing all over the country with the same goal as you: 500 words a day.

But in reality, this is a commitment to yourself. It comes down to this: Is your work, your ideas, your creativity worth joining a challenge to put pen to paper, fingers to keyboard?

Your answer should be yes!

So join us!

We’ll start on June 18th.

The best part? There will be a grand prize!

My husband, Roger, and I are offering a 30-minute business consultation to discuss your specific challenges and strategies.

Here’s the better, even bestest (yes, I know that’s not a word. What can I say, I’m a CREATIVE writer) part: at the end of the week, you’ll have written 2,500 words.

Are you in, friend?

Come join us! You’ll start to develop a great writing habit, make some new writer friends, and possibly win the grand prize! (But the real prize? 2500 WORDS.)

Join us here! https://www.facebook.com/groups/CommunicatorAcademy/

P.S. Don’t be afraid of failing this challenge…there’s not really such a thing. Let’s say you ONLY write 4 days…that’s still 2,000 words!





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