As communicators, we are professionals. Whether you call it your ministry or your business, we must be professionals in all we do. That means we prepare, do our research, and put forth our very best work.

A big part of having a business is setting SMART output based goals. You may have heard of SMART goals before. The acronym is sort of a recipe for goal-making: Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic and Time Sensitive.

The distinction Kathi makes, is that our goals need to be output based versus outcome based. Watch this Facebook Live as Kathi explains the HOW of setting output based goals, but also the WHY.

1 Corinthians 3:7 tells us, “So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” This verse is a great reminder to us as we set goals for our business. Someone plants and someone waters. Continue to do the work of planting good seeds in your business.

What is a SMART output goal you are setting for your business this season?

As Kathi mentioned in the video, attending Leverage is a valuable actionable step you can take in your business, as well as one that will help you build a tribe of support. Use Code Leverage100 to get $100 off your registration. (Expires September 10)

Register today! 

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