Jun 24, 2019 | Author Tips, Book Launch, Communicator Academy, Marketing, Memoir Writing, Platform, Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams, Writing
Welcome back for part 2 of How to Know You are Ready for an Agent. Live on location at the West Coast Writer’s Conference, Kathi and Michele are joined by Janet Grant and Wendy Lawton of Books & Such Literary Agency. Sparks are flying, the doors are...
Apr 18, 2018 | Audience, Author Tips, Recommendations
I used to hate book proposals. They felt like such a colossal waste of time—especially when all I wanted to do was write! But over the last year, I’ve had a complete change of heart. In the process of helping clients create strong book proposals, as well as developing...
Jan 4, 2018 | Author Tips, Pursuing Your Dreams, Writing
by Rachelle Gardner, Literary Agent If you’re hoping to get published, you’ll want to prepare a book proposal before you send out your query letters. That way, it will be ready to send immediately when an agent or editor asks for it. There are several great books...