Aug 31, 2020 | Communicator Academy, Leadership, Podcast
Listen In Have you considered inviting valuable insight and influence into your life through having a mentor, but aren’t sure how to get started or find the right person? Kathi Lipp and Heather Adams are with us today talking all things mentor-ship. Join the...
Dec 17, 2018 | Communicator Academy, Personal Life, Podcast, Recommendations
Join Kathi and Michele as they sit down for today’s podcast to talk about the 3 relationships we need as communicators. Michele goes in to detail about what these relationships are, who the ideal partner is for this type of relationship, and why we need...
Apr 4, 2018 | Platform, Pursuing Your Dreams, Recommendations
My tutelage under Communicator Academy began in 2007, when I first heard Kathi speak at a moms’ group. After a decade of consuming Kathi Lipp books, conferences, blog posts, podcasts, and Facebook exchanges, I was honored when she invited me to serve as a 2017...