Oct 28, 2019 | Communicator Academy, Podcast
We join speaker Kathi Lipp and her guest host, Cheri Gregory as they complete the list of the top 10 skills speakers utilize and how they apply to their writing. If you are a speaker who wants to write, then this is a must-listen-to episode. What are publishers...
Sep 4, 2018 | Book Launch, Communicator Academy, Podcast, Recommendations
Today’s podcast is Part 3 of our Book Launch 101 where we talk about what a landing page is. Kathi sits down with co-author Cheri Gregory of Overwhelmed to talk about why their landing page for their new book is so important. Your landing page is basically a...
Jul 18, 2018 | Communicator Academy, Recommendations, Writing
If you’re seeking to get published, query letters are an important tool for the journey. There are hundreds of places online to learn how to write a good query, but I wanted to give you a simple, straightforward set of instructions. Queries should include the...