Jan 21, 2019 | Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams, Recommendations
Welcome back! Thank you for joining us in part 2 of “Finding Your Niche” with Kathi Lipp and Michele Cushatt. Last week you learned why it’s important to find your niche and today you’ll learn how to find it. Kathi shares two very specific...
Jan 7, 2019 | Podcast, Pursuing Your Dreams, Recommendations
Kathi and Michele sit down in today’s podcast to talk about Part 2 of their strategies for the New Year. They talk about the fun things that come with launching new things and the reality of needing to let go of other things. In today’s episode, you will...
Oct 29, 2018 | Communicator Academy, Comparison, Podcast
Have you ever tried to challenge yourself to see how much you can get done in 15 minutes? Or tried to multitask while waiting for your coffee to heat up in the microwave? I bet you have! Last week Kathi and Michele talked about obstacles that interfere with...
May 16, 2018 | Audience, Recommendations, Speaker Tips
“My problem is that all of my topics are so negative.” I was at the StoryBrand Workshop, trying to explain to Donald Miller why his marketing methods wouldn’t work for me. Ignoring my baditude, he smiled — the kind of smile you give when you’re trying to be...
Mar 15, 2018 | Audience, Platform, Social Media
People are longing for connection. We live in the most connected time in history, but we have more lonely people than ever before. Sometimes, social media loses the social part, and it becomes just another avenue for marketing. And people sense insincerity and will...